Our pricing structure is based on confidence that we will generate more & new sales.
For such, we charge only for the sales we help generate on marketplaces such as Amazon and Walmart.
Our fee can fit based on your growth plans and company size.
Start paying less than hiring an employee to do a job that takes a whole team!
We will daily, weekly, monthly and annually send you reports in inventory, sales, refunds, and P&L.
We will also customize additional reports based on your needs.
All you need to do is simply authroize our sofware to access your marketplace account.
SalesForce, Netsuite, or Spreadsheet - we will build an integration module suitable for your company for listing automation, inventory management, advertising management, and accounting purposes at no additional charge.
Such integrations alone can cost hundreds of thousand of dollars. However, we see it as an important part of the job and the first step of gaining the trust.